Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hummingbirds at last

They're definitely in the pleasure grounds, smaller than the giant swallowtail butterflies. They are of the black-chinned variety and prize Turk's cap above all other sources of sustenance. Beginning this past Wednesday, June 18, we've been harvesting ears of  On Deck corn, grown in large pots. The ears are of medium size, with sweet, tender, bicolored kernels. They filled out quite well, thanks to all the bees, including honeybees and several kinds of bumblebees. There was a corn ear-worm inside one husk. The silks do not seem to become darker than medium brown. We'll certainly grow it again, if only for its ornamental qualities: prominent and ornamental tassels and leaves of a beautiful color green with quite a broad white stripe down the middle. Wax beans were delicious but we'll probably not enjoy many more. The yellow summer squash is done. All the hollyhocks have made seeds. Pride of Barbados is beginning to be very showy, much later than those we see elsewhere around here.


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