Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Scraping the bottom of the barrel

In the absence of our regular letter carrier, we're not getting much mail, only first-class matter. We're now entirely caught up on all periodical reading matter. The very last to be read is always Texas Gardener, not for lack of inerest, but because it'll wait. Second last is Consumer Reports, because it, too, will wait, particularly since we never buy anything and read it mostly for CR-speak (the descriptions of the way that the tests are set up). Recently the most entertaining article showed photos of CR staffers testing mail-order exercise devices. NYRB, TLS, and LRB are always saved to be read close to last because they're portable and their content, for the most part, does not date. The London Review had a wonderful article on modern-day piracy. K. is willing to re-read books; with the exception of favorites, I prefer not to, always searching for the unread in preference.


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