Sunday, October 28, 2001

We had become very fond of a small cat left free to roam the neighborhood and were dismayed and saddened to learn that she had been struck and killed by some of the traffic ever accelerating in numbers and velocity. Legally Blonde seemed to be the best available equivalent to light comedy as a distraction. The filming locations were not credited, which is always irritating, but appeared to be entirely California, except for a manipulated aerial establishing shot of Cambridge. Supposedly set at Harvard Law, the movie showed a graduating class of about 150, which would be more like Yale Law (total enrollment about 575 at any given time, and never over 200 back in the old days), instead of the 560 or so law graduates emerging from Harvard each year (total enrollment close to 1,700). On the way back from the movie, we stopped at MGM Indian foods to stock up on samosa and frozen dahl. We didn't even talk about it, but bought some handmade lamps intended for Diwali. We know that we lit them for a small creature whose name was not ever known to us.


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