Monday, October 01, 2001

How absurd that I thought Dryden's Aeneid was a good crib for translating Virgil in second-year Latin. When English text for the Aenid is sought, the Dryden's what's most commonly found, though. The Latin version is the same one we used: Ginn & Co. from 1900. We had to memorize big chunks from the Latin, but all I can remember now is some from the very beginning. Thinking about this made me look up all the references to Dido. All our schoolbooks were at least that old, except for the Dick and Jane readers. We had to read a lot of Longfellow's Hiawatha and memorize big chunks of it, which are sitll in my mind, but the pages where Minnehaha and the other women went naked into the cornfields under the moon were pinned together in everybody's copy. How do I know what it said? Because I read it, just as everybody else did.


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