Sunday, July 01, 2001

Supper was on the table when there was a knock on the door. It was one of those infernal clipboard-bearers that go around from door-to-door asking to have petitions signed and seeking contributions, always for some "environmental" outfit and always for pay and always at suppertime. This one was different because there was a trailing entourage of video and sound people from Japanese public television. All this evidently had something to do with GWB and the Kyoto accords. The canvasser was given the standard spiel: a one-car household, a small-car household, a no-power-mower or power-tools-of-any-kind household, a centrally located household, a household without air-conditioning. As they all left to go on to the next establishment, the canvasser was heard to say to the crew, "...sympathetic, but...."


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